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Introducing ViewFinder: Boomer’s Guide to Growing Older

Baby boomers, the first post-WWII generation, are getting older and moving into retirement. Yet what should be their golden years are turning into a time of stress, health issues, and increasing responsibilities.

Our newest locally produced ViewFinder documentary is an investigatory look at the baby boomer generation and the complications they confront while aging. Boomers are pulling double duty when it comes to health care as they work to maintain their own physical and mental well-being and take on caregiver roles for their parents and spouses.

Despite these mounting challenges, baby boomers – the generation that grew up amidst the civil rights, anti-war, and women’s rights movements – know how to drive social change, and now they’re speaking up about healthcare. Pam Montana is one boomer vowing to fight for a cure to Alzheimer’s following a surprise diagnosis that upended her retirement plans with husband Bob Linscheid. Another boomer, Susan Franklin, managed to beat cancer, while acting as a full-time caregiver to both of her parents.

Boomer’s Guide to Growing Older offers up close and personal insight into the trials of baby boomer life today and what’s being done to alleviate the issues. Plus, discover organizations and resources designed to help baby boomers maintain their physical and emotional health.

ViewFinder is a series of documentaries that present a unique look at our community, showcasing highlights, triumphs, issues, and personal stories in the region. You can see the premiere of ViewFinder: Boomer’s Guide to Growing Older on Wednesday, June 21 at 7PM on KVIE, or visit to see the episode after it airs.

Introducing ViewFinder: Boomer’s Guide to Growing Older
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