Through the lens of a boxer, a first responder, a cell tower climber and a man with a bionic limb, go deep into the universe of the most powerful machine on earth: the human brain and the vast nervous system it controls.
Premieres on May 5
at 10PM
Explore the incredible universe inside each and every one of us. An examination of diverse personal stories from around the world reveals how our lives, passions and goals are powered by the amazing systems that define our biology as a species.
Human: The World Within Episodes
S1 Ep4 | 52m 33s
Uncover how the human body defends itself in an increasingly dangerous global environment.
S1 Ep3 | 52m 33s
Journey through the factory at the center of our bodies that turns food into energy.
Human: The World Within Extras
Engineering Lost Function Inside the Body
S1 Ep6 | 2m 45s
Jason is the only person with a prosthetic arm able to sense feeling in the brain.
S1 Ep6 | 30s
See how the technology of the brain and nervous system shape our experience of the world.
How Pain is Processed in Our Nerves
S1 Ep6 | 1m 42s
Pain travels to our brain as neural impulses when something is wrong in our bodies.
An Introduction to the Brain and Neurons
S1 Ep6 | 1m 9s
The brain is mission control of the human body and the nervous system.
The Human Body's Nervous System
S1 Ep6 | 1m 22s
An introduction to the amazing functions of the human body's nervous system.
Proprioception - The Sixth Sense
S1 Ep5 | 2m 46s
Proprioception allows us to recognize where our bodies are physically exist in space.
The Adaptive Quality of Our Senses
S1 Ep5 | 2m 53s
When we lose one of our senses, others fill the void to process the lost information.
S1 Ep4 | 30s
Uncover how the human body defends itself in an increasingly dangerous global environment.
The Gut Microbiome is the Hub of Our Immune System
S1 Ep3 | 2m 23s
The Gut microbiome contains bacteria that keep us healthy when well fed and tended to.
Blood Vessels and Circulatory Movement
S1 Ep2 | 2m 8s
Human bodies are designed to move in order to circulate blood and nutrients to every cell.
Functions of the Heart and Lungs
S1 Ep2 | 1m 25s
Our heart and lungs circulate oxygen throughout our blood vessels to keep cells alive.
The Science Behind the Pulse in Our Bodies
S1 Ep2 | 2m 39s
Human life depends on our bodies ability to process oxygen to keep our cells alive.
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