Professor T Image

Heir to the Throne Part 1
S3 Ep1 | 50m 12s

Professor T struggles to adjust to a hostile and dangerous new environment.

Professor T Image

Heir to the Throne Part 2
S3 Ep2 | 50m 47s

Professor T gains a powerful new ally who needs his help.

Professor T Image

The Lost Sheep
S3 Ep3 | 52m 21s

John gets a new colleague and together they investigate a prison break

Professor T Image

The Perfect Picture
S3 Ep4 | 48m 49s

Rabet asks Professor T to help him solve the case of a young bride who was found dead

Professor T Image

S3 Ep5 | 51m 6s

Professor T helps the police investigate the murder of a law student

Professor T Image

Every Home
S3 Ep6 | 50m 23s

Professor T's psychiatrist tries to convince Flamant to tell the truth in court

Professor T Image

Other People’s Happiness
S3 Ep7 | 51m 44s

Professor T's trial begins with a big surprise.

Professor T Image

Murder on Prescription
S3 Ep8 | 55m 41s

Professor T returns to his old life but finds it hard to adjust.

Professor T Image

The Hit and Run
S3 Ep9 | 51m 2s

Professor T hunts for the culprit when his colleague Professor Van der Weyden is struck

Professor T Image

Zilverspar Residence
S3 Ep10 | 48m 52s

The police consult Professor T when the daughter of a nursing home resident is killed

Professor T Image

S3 Ep11 | 49m 9s

A homeless man on the verge of death after an accident confides that he killed someone.

Professor T Image

Queen Olivia
S3 Ep12 | 48m 8s

When a woman is murdered & thrown overboard during a sailing trip, the police investigate

Professor T Image

The Reveal
S3 Ep13 | 53m 13s

When the body of Professor T's father is exhumed and examined, the results point to murder

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