Public television is a vital part of our community, and we at KVIE are proud of the work we do. We are a local storyteller, a convener of ideas, and a source of education for young minds and lifelong learners.

In its current form, the White House’s proposed budget would cut all funds to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. And while this money represents less than one tenth of one percent of the entire federal budget, it is a vital source of funding to local stations like KVIE. It would be a debilitating blow to a service that almost everyone in our region uses.

A little goes a long way: PBS and NPR stations alike rely on a considerably small portion of public dollars – just $1.35 out of your total tax dollars. Seven in 10 voters say public television is a good or excellent value for their tax dollars, on par with investments in highways, roads, and bridges. These are tax dollars are well spent.

We bring you the stories that matter. We air informational and relevant shows like FRONTLINE, Nature, NOVA, PBS NewsHour, and American Experience. In addition, KVIE produces more than 50 original programs in our region every year, covering a wide range of topics from the arts to public affairs. We recently launched KVIE PBS KIDS, a round-the-clock, commercial free, children’s television resource that is proven to boost test scores and enhance STEM, reading, and emotional skills anytime and anywhere with nonstop availability on various platforms including mobile technology.

KVIE and our fellow public broadcasting stations exist to educate, inspire, and enlighten our viewers. In an age of increasing polarization, public media provides rare common ground for people who come from different backgrounds and have varying perspectives.

Now it’s time to take action. With your support, we can continue to provide the quality public television programming we deliver to you 365 days a year.

  1. Sign the petition from Protect My Public Media and sign up to receive email updates.
  2. Learn more about what we and PBS do at – including a way to identify your congressional representatives and tell them PBS matters in your community!
  3. Become a sustaining member of KVIE and help ensure our financial future.

Thank you for your support.


9 Reasons to Love PBS

KVIE, PBS, and the Proposed Cuts to Public Media