Upcoming Online Screenings

Join PBS KVIE for an online preview screening of the new documentary,The Black Church, followed by a panel discussion.
An intimate 4-hour series from Henry Louis Gates, Jr.,The Black Church: This Is Our Story, This Is Our Song will explore the 400-year-old story of the Black church in America, the changing nature of worship spaces, and the men and women who shepherded them from the pulpit, the choir loft, and church pews.
Past Panel Discussions
An Evening with Lowell Bergman
Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist and Emmy Award-winning television producer Lowell Bergman explores the state of modern journalism, news and information in the internet age, and more in a conversation with Michael Sanford, PBS KVIE’s Associate GM – Production.
Panel Discussion: Angst
David W. Bond, LCSW, Director of Behavioral Health for Blue Shield of California; Jessica Colvin, Wellness Director, TUHSD; Narges Dillion, MA, LMFT is the Executive Director of Crisis Support Services of Alameda County; Maya Gomez, student at Whitney High School; and Isaiah Rivera, student at Patterson High discuss the documentary Angst in an online panel discussion moderated by Jeremiah Aja, MA, MDiv, LPCC and recorded October 19, 2021.
For more information about Angst, click here. Please note you will be leaving PBS KVIE’s website and will be redirected to the film’s website.
Panel Discussion: Preserving Culture Through Art
Artists Dr. Monica Crooks, Akinsanya Kambon, Pamela J. Peters, and Ova Saopeng discuss the episode of KVIE Arts Showcase: Preserving Culture Through Art in an online panel discussion recorded August 12, 2021.
Healing From Home – Telehealth
Peter Yellowlees MD, Chief Wellness Officer at UC Davis Health; Dr. Smita Das, Clinical Assistant Professor at Stanford and Medical Director of Psychiatry at Lyra Health; Allan Renazco, Airborne Ranger qualified Army retiree; and Cecilia Aguiar-Curry, Assemblymember District 4 discuss the documentary ViewFinder: Healing From Home – Telehealth in an online panel discussion recorded June 1, 2021.
Season 4 Virtual Preview Panel Discussion
Andres Perez, humanities teacher at High Tech High School in Chula Vista; Mai Xi Lee, Social Emotional Learning Director for Sacramento City Unified School District; and Dr. “Ziggy” Robeson, Superintendent of Ripon Unified School District discuss the Season 4 Virtual Preview of Inside California Education in an online panel discussion recorded April 6, 2021.
The Black Church
Rev. Rosalee “Rose” Charley, Senior Pastor of the Faith Fellowship Community Church; Milmon Harrison, Ph.D., Associate Professor in the Department of African American and African Studies at UC Davis; and Rev. Kevin Kitrell Ross, Senior Minister of Unity of Sacramento join moderator Scott Syphax to discuss the PBS documentary The Black Church in an online panel discussion recorded February 9, 2020.
Imagining the Indian
On November 15, 2020 the Sacramento Jewish Film Festival hosted an online screening of a “work-in-progress” of the film Imagining the Indian as part of their Social Justice Film Series. Following the screening, PBS KVIE Host Scott Syphax moderated a panel discussion with Co-Directors & Producers Aviva Kempner and Ben West, Producer Kevin Blackistone, Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation Tribal Secretary James Kinter, and The Sacramento Bee Columnist Marcos Bretón.
To watch the “work-in-progress” of Imagining the Indian that was screened and learn more about the film, click here. Please note you will be leaving PBS KVIE’s website and will be redirected to the film’s website.
Learning and Helping During the Pandemic
Brianna Nicole Cobarrubias, nursing graduate of San Joaquin Delta College; Brian King, Ph.D, Chancellor for the four colleges in the Los Rios Community College District; Francisco C. Rodriguez, Ph.D, Chancellor of the Los Angeles Community College District; and Richard Rothbart, lead technician at the Laney College FabLab, discuss the new episode of Inside California Education in an online panel discussion recorded July 14, 2020.
The Vote
Heather Fargo, President of the Capital Women’s Campaign; Diana Madoshi of the boards of the National Women’s History Alliance and the California Alliance for Retired Americans; Dr. Mona Siegel, professor at California State University, Sacramento; and Martha Wheelock, film producer and director, discuss the PBS documentary American Experience: The Vote in an online panel discussion recorded June 30, 2020.
Vanishing Chinatown
Hear from Vanishing Chinatown’s director and producers – Emiko Omori, director/editor; Wylie Wong, co-producer; Lydia Tanji, producer; and gayle yamada, executive producer – as well as the granddaughter of Leo and Isabella May Chan Lee, Corinne Chan Lee Takayama, during a panel discussion that followed an online preview screening on May 26, 2020.
Asian Americans
Satsuki Ina, co-chair of Tsuru for Solidarity and Sacramento State professor emerita; Daniel Gonzales, associate professor of Asian American Studies at San Francisco State University; and Joshua Kaizuka, co-president of the Japanese American Citizens League, Florin Chapter, and Tsuru for Solidarity Member, discuss the PBS documentary Asian Americans in an online panel discussion recorded on May 6, 2020.