KVIE operates with the support of our members — $35 is our basic membership, truly the backbone of KVIE, providing the money needed to run the station, paying everything from our electric bill to our PBS dues. Donors at higher levels provide the money needed to go beyond day-to-day operations and plan for the future.
The KVIE Production Partners is a special group of members committed to public television who give $240 or more each year to support KVIE. Their gifts allow us to do the preparatory work in creating local television programs. Before we can produce a program we have to explore all of the ideas that are brought to the station and flesh out those ideas so that we can decide which ones to pursue. Production Partners members give KVIE the wherewithal to examine and plan for possible future productions.
Production Partners benefits include personal updates on new KVIE programs and community events, and your name inscribed in our KVIE Production Partners Honorary Registry. Production Partners members also benefit by being able to purchase any thank-you gifts we offer at a discount any time during the year, without waiting for a pledge drive.
For additional information, please contact Membership at 916-641-3500 or send e-mail to member@kvie.org.