Connect with Us

Colleen Schulman, CFRE, CSPG
Chief Philanthropy Officer

Janet Coshow
Leadership Giving Officer

PBS KVIE Leadership Giving
2030 W. El Camino Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95833-1866

Federal Tax ID: 94-1421463

Ways to Give to PBS KVIE

With programs like Masterpiece, NOVA, PBS News Hour, and Nature, PBS KVIE is the trusted source for in-depth reports, arts and culture, and documentaries. It’s only possible because of the generosity of viewers like you. There are many ways you can support PBS KVIE while meeting your personal and financial goals.

Learn more about

All who make a planned gift to PBS KVIE are warmly invited to join the Legacy Circle. Members of this program enjoy special recognition and benefits. You can feel confident that your legacy gift will touch the lives of many – impacting minds, sparking motivations, and brightening futures. If you have questions or would like to have a confidential discussion about gift planning, please contact us.

Gifts that Cost You Nothing Now

Bequest Designation in Wills & Trusts

Including PBS KVIE in your will or living trust is a wonderful way to ensure that your values endure. A gift in your will costs you nothing now, yet it gives you the satisfaction of knowing you are giving to PBS KVIE in the future. Charitable bequests may also lower estate and inheritance taxes.

Get sample language to use

Beneficiary Designation

It’s one of the easiest ways to make a gift. Consider naming PBS KVIE as a beneficiary on taxable assets like your retirement or bank account. You can continue to take distributions or make withdrawals over your lifetime. And it’s flexible – should you change your mind or have a loved one who needs your financial support.

Avoid the lengthy probate process

Life Insurance

By giving outright and complete ownership of a partially or fully paid life insurance policy, you can claim an immediate tax deduction. Another easy option for giving life insurance is to name PBS KVIE as a primary or contingent beneficiary of your new or existing policy.

Make a plan for your policy

Gifts that Reduce Your Taxes

Retirement Assets

By naming PBS KVIE as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k) and/or 403(b), you will be assured that every dollar will be used for a charitable purpose and shielded from income or estate taxes. You can then work with your advisors to identify other assets that are more favorably taxed when left to your loved ones.

Give from your retirement account

Stocks & Other Appreciated Securities

Transfer your appreciated securities to PBS KVIE and save on capital gains. If the asset is worth more now than what you paid for it more than a year ago, you will be able to claim the full benefit of the stock's current fair market value. You can also avoid capital gains tax when you donate as opposed to selling this appreciated stock.

Initiate a transfer now

Gifts that Pay You Income

Charitable Gift Annuities

Support PBS KVIE and enhance your financial security at the same time. You can establish fixed payments, a portion of which are nontaxable for a period of time. If you itemize deductions on your federal income tax return, you can claim an immediate charitable tax deduction for a portion of your gift.

Create a reliable source of income

Other Ways to Give

Donor-Advised Funds

Donor-advised funds provide convenience and flexibility. They are a great way to bundle your charitable giving and maximize your itemized deductions. Or, avoid capital gains by transferring appreciated stock to your fund and gifting it to charity. You can recommend a grant from your donor-advised fund to support PBS KVIE.

Real Estate or Other Real Property

A gift of real estate or other real property can include personal residences, vacation homes, rental property, and farmland. Through a gift of real property, you can perhaps make a much larger gift than you otherwise thought possible, avoid income and estate taxes, and minimize or eliminate burdens placed on your loved ones.

Reduce inheritance taxes

Personal Property

A gift of personal property can include items such as artwork, jewelry, antiques, and other physical objects. By donating your personal treasures to the station, you can help build value in our community. You will also enjoy a number of personal benefits. One popular benefit is the charitable tax deduction.

Turn your treasure into tax savings

PBS KVIE Legacy Circle

Join the Legacy Circle

If you have provided for PBS KVIE in your estate plan, we invite you to join the Legacy Circle.

Members of this program enjoy special recognition and benefits. Learn more about the Legacy Circle.

The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute tax or legal advice applicable to your specific situation. Please be sure to consult a qualified professional advisor regarding your planning.