The Dust Bowl
The Dust Bowl chronicles the worst man-made ecological disaster in American history.
The Great Plow-Up
S1 Ep1 | 1h 55m 15s
The southern Plains were rapidly turned from grasslands to wheat fields.
Extended Look
1m 43s
The Dust Bowl chronicles the worst man-made ecological disaster in American history
Making The Dust Bowl | Eyewitnesses
6m 45s
Ken Burns, Dayton Duncan, Julie Dunfey and Susan Shumaker talk about making The Dust Bowl.
Making The Dust Bowl | Uncovering the Dust Bowl
5m 55s
Ken Burns and Dayton Duncan discuss making The Dust Bowl
Woody Guthrie: The Great Dust Storm
2m 17s
In the introduction to episode two Woody Guthrie sings "The Great Dust Storm"
Woody Guthrie: Okies
2m 19s
No matter their state of origin, during the 1930s all newcomers were dubbed Okies in CA
First Look | A Storm is Coming
The Dust Bowl was the worst man made ecological disaster in American History.
First Look | End of the World’s Coming
Those caught in the dust thought the end of the world was upon them.
First Look | Suffocating Blackness
The dust storms were so severe they could suffocate those trapped out of doors.
The Depression Comes to the Southern Plains
5m 45s
Wheat prices continue to fall and a drought begins the farmers look to FDR for relief.
The Dust Bowl Intro
5m 9s
The Dust Bowl was a decade-long natural catastrophe of biblical proportions.
Environmental Catastrophe
12m 11s
As the Great Depression sets in, farmers on the Great Plains begin to feel its effects.
Wheat Will Win the War
1m 12s
Learn about what caused "The Great Plow Up" and the slogan "Wheat Will Win the War."
Low Valued Wheat
1m 56s
Even thought wheat prices had plummeted, farmers went back to work in the fall.
Jack Rabbits
Plagues of jack rabbits swarmed the great plains destroying everything in their path.
Black Blizzards
2m 42s
Hear from Donald Worster about the increasing number of dust storms the area faced.
1m 39s
Dorthy Williamson discusses working in the southern Great Plains during the dust bowl.
Hugh Bennett
1m 50s
Hugh Bennett went on a fact finding trip through the Great Plains in search of a solution.
Sanora Babb’s Account Beat Out by the Grapes of Wrath
1m 16s
Sanora Babb sent chapters of her book back to New York, but is delayed for another novel.
Trixie Travis Brown: Follett Texas
Trixie Travis Brown talks about her father moving to Follett, TX.
Trixie Travis Brown: Almost Moving to Idaho
1m 10s
Trixie Travis Brown Talks About Almost Moving to Idaho.
Robert Boots McCoy Talks About The Southern Great Plains
1m 13s
Robert Boots McCoy talks about the southern Great Plains.
Robert Boots McCoy Talks About When The Rains Returned
Robert Boots McCoy talks about when the rains returned.
The Coens Talk About How They Ended Up In The Great Plains
The Coens talk about how they ended up in the southern Great Plains.
Dale Coen Reads a Poem by his Mother
1m 37s
Dale Coen reads a poem by his mother about why she moved to the Great Plains.
Robert Boots McCoy Talks About Burning Cow Chips
Robert Boots McCoy talks about burning cow chips.
Photographers of the Dust Bowl
4m 41s
During the Great Depression FDR's administration sought to document the economic crisis.
You Gave Us Beer, Now Give Us Water
1m 7s
FDR was greeted with signs along the road saying "You gave us beer. Now give us water."
Mr. Huff
4m 33s
Raymond Huff hired the entire town to build the new high school in Clayton, New Mexico.
Reaping the Whirlwind | Preview
S1 Ep2 | 30s
Experience the conservation efforts to bring farms back to life
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