Hotel Portofino Image

S3 Ep1 | 53m 53s
Air Date: 07/28/24 | Expires: 11/18/38 | Rating: TV-14

As Bella’s father and sister visit, Cecil returns and tells Bella he wants a divorce.

Hotel Portofino Image

S3 Ep2 | 52m 45s
Air Date: 08/04/24 | Expires: 11/18/38 | Rating: TV-PG

As Bella considers her future with Marco, Carlo rejects a hurt Alice and Lucian returns.

Hotel Portofino Image

S3 Ep3 | 54m
Air Date: 08/11/24 | Expires: 11/18/38 | Rating: TV-PG

When George threatens to pull investment from the hotel, Bella knows the pressure is on.

Hotel Portofino Image

S3 Ep4 | 53m 57s
Air Date: 08/18/24 | Expires: 11/18/38 | Rating: TV-PG

After the Wall Street Crash, Bella starts her new business and Cecil appeals to Danioni.

Hotel Portofino Image

S3 Ep5 | 53m 28s
Air Date: 08/25/24 | Expires: 11/18/38 | Rating: TV-PG

When Nish is found dead, Lucian and Virat spiral. Cecil and Jack make a deadly plan.

Hotel Portofino Image

S3 Ep6 | 53m 6s
Air Date: 08/25/24 | Expires: 11/18/38 | Rating: TV-PG

During Claudine’s party, Bella fights to save her business and deadly plots unfurl.

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