North and South Image

Episode 1
S1 Ep1 | 51m 45s
Air Date: 11/14/04 | Expires: 12/01/26 | Rating: TV-PG

Middle-class Margaret is uprooted from rural Hampshire to live in a northern mill town.

North and South Image

Episode 2
S1 Ep2 | 52m 5s
Air Date: 11/24/04 | Expires: 11/30/25 | Rating: TV-PG

Margaret is caught between Thornton and his desperate employees as tensions rise over pay

North and South Image

Episode 3
S1 Ep3 | 51m 41s
Air Date: 11/28/04 | Expires: 11/30/26

The strike has ended but both Margaret's friend Bessy and her mother are gravely ill.

North and South Image

Episode 4
S1 Ep4 | 52m 10s
Air Date: 12/04/04 | Expires: 11/30/26

Can Margaret and Thornton put their differences aside and realise their true feelings?

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