The Roosevelts from Ken Burns
A chronicle of three members of the most influential family in American politics.
![The Roosevelts Image](
Get Action (1858-1901)
S1 Ep1 | 1h 54m 57s
Examine the early lives of Theodore Roosevelt and his younger cousin, Franklin.
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In the Arena (1901-1910)
S1 Ep2 | 1h 56m 20s
Theodore’s presidency and FDR and Eleanor’s courtship and marriage.
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The Fire of Life (1910-1919)
S1 Ep3 | 1h 56m 30s
Trace the effects of WWI on the lives of the Roosevelts.
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The Storm (1920-1933)
S1 Ep4 | 1h 56m 40s
FDR battles with polio and responds to the Great Depression.
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The Rising Road (1933-1939)
S1 Ep5 | 1h 56m 40s
Examine FDR’s New Deal and Eleanor’s growing political activism.
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The Common Cause (1939-1944)
S1 Ep6 | 1h 55m 5s
Survey FDR’s leadership during WWII, while Eleanor tends to wounded servicemen.
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A Strong and Active Faith (1944-1962)
S1 Ep7 | 1h 51m 33s
Examine Eleanor’s role as civil rights and U.N champion after FDR’s death.
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En Español: Entrar en acción (1858-1901)
S1 Ep8 | 1h 54m 57s
Examina la vida temprana de Theodore Roosevelt y la de su primo más joven, Franklin.
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Descriptive Audio: Get Action (1858-1901)
S1 Ep15 | 1h 54m 57s
Examine the early lives of Theodore Roosevelt and his younger cousin, Franklin.
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Descriptive Audio: In the Arena (1901-1910)
S1 Ep16 | 1h 56m 20s
Theodore’s presidency and FDR and Eleanor’s courtship and marriage.
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Descriptive Audio: The Fire of Life (1910-1919)
S1 Ep17 | 1h 56m 30s
Trace the effects of WWI on the lives of the Roosevelts.
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Descriptive Audio: The Storm (1920-1933)
S1 Ep18 | 1h 56m 40s
FDR battles with polio and responds to the Great Depression.
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Descriptive Audio: The Rising Road (1933-1939)
S1 Ep19 | 1h 56m 40s
Examine FDR’s New Deal and Eleanor’s growing political activism.
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Descriptive Audio: The Common Cause (1939-1944)
S1 Ep20 | 1h 55m 5s
Survey FDR’s leadership during WWII, while Eleanor tends to wounded servicemen.
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Descriptive Audio: A Strong and Active Faith (1944-1962)
S1 Ep21 | 1h 51m 33s
Examine Eleanor’s role as civil rights and U.N champion after FDR’s death.
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Education Clip: War Machine
4m 27s
FDR works with businesses to create a war machine. With WWII, The USA goes back to work.
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Education Clip Eleanor Roosevelt after FDR
9m 27s
After FDR dies, Eleanor Roosevelt joins the United Nations
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Education Clip FDR’s Second 100 Days
4m 21s
In FDR's second 100 days he passes the social security act
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Timeline Clip – Theodore Roosevelts Political Career Starts
4m 30s
Timeline clip - TR’s political career starts
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Timeline Clip – Theodore Roosevelt Marries Edith
4m 41s
Timeline Clip - Theodore Roosevelt Marries Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt
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Timeline Clip – Eleanor Roosevelt Is Born & Elliot Dies
4m 22s
Timeline Clip - Eleanor Roosevelt Is Born and TR's brother Elliot dies.
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Timeline Clip – Theodore Roosevelt Becomes an American Hero
2m 49s
Timeline Clip - TR as American hero
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Timeline Clip – McKinley assassinated & TR becomes President
Timeline Clip - McKinley assassinated, TR becomes President
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Timeline Clip – Theodore and Booker T. Washington at Dinner
3m 18s
Timeline Clip - Theodore Roosevelt has dinner with Booker T. Washington.
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Timeline Clip – Theodore Roosevelt’s Views On Civilization
2m 24s
Timeline Clip - Theodore Roosevelt’s Views On Civilization
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Education clip FDR D-Day Prayer
1m 52s
The Allies land at Normandy Beach on June 6, 1944 and FDR reads his prayer on the radio
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Timeline Clip: FDR creates rehab center for fellow polios
11m 20s
Timeline Clip: FDR creates rehab center for fellow polios
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Education Clip Trust Busting
5m 48s
Theodore Roosevelt took on the Industrial Trusts and J.P. Morgan and triumphed.
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Education Clip: Theodore Roosevelt Second Term Successes
7m 40s
TR had many successes in his second term among them, the Hepburn & Food and Drug Act
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Education Clip: FDR faces great crises
6m 10s
FDR faces the two greatest crises of the 20th century: The Depression and WWII.
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Education Clip: FDR and the Supreme Court
4m 6s
In 1936 The Supreme Court overturned many of the new deal statutes.
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Education Clip: Eleanor Roosevelts First Step into Politics
3m 24s
In 1922 Eleanor Roosevelt speaks at the Democratic Womens Luncheon
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Education Clip: Theodore Roosevelt and the Panama Canal
6m 38s
Theodore Roosevelt bullies his way into building the Panama Canal
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Education Clip: Theodore Roosevelt Childhood
7m 40s
Theodore Roosevelt was a sickly child, severely asthmatic and not expected to live long
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Education Clip: Theodore Roosevelt Warmonger
8m 28s
Theodore Roosevelt was an imperialist and always ready for war and battle.
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Education Clip: Theodore Roosevelt and WWI
5m 54s
President Wilson asks congress to declare war on Germany on April 2, 1917
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Education Clip: Eleanor Strikes Out on her Own
2m 42s
In 1921 Eleanor joined the board of women's voters and made new lifelong friends
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Timeline Clip – FDR’s Second 100 Days
4m 21s
FDR’s Second 100 Days; National Labor Relations Board; Social Security Act.
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Timeline Clip – Eleanor Roosevelt on Troubled World
Timeline Clip - Eleanor Roosevelt on Troubled World
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Timeline Clip – New Deal Achievement
3m 31s
End of 30’s New Deal’s achievements; FDR’s new focus on war crisis;
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Timeline Clip – FDR works to create war machine
4m 27s
Timeline Clip - FDR works to create war machine
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Timeline Clip – Eleanor Roosevelt Leaves White House
Timeline Clip - Eleanor Roosevelt Leaves White House
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Education Clip: Pacific Front Radio Address
4m 2s
FDR discusses the pacific front during a fireside chat
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Education Clip Bull Moose Party
12m 50s
In 1912 Theodore Roosevelt breaks with the Republicans and starts the Bull Moose Party
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Education Clip Theodore Roosevelt Assassination Attempt
9m 34s
TR, shot during a speech, continues to talk for an hour with a bullet lodged in his chest.
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Education Clip Rough Riders During WWI
3m 45s
During WW1 Theodore Roosevelt asks Woodrow Wilson if he can put together The Rough Riders
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Education Clip: Lead Up to WWII
4m 56s
Eleanor and Franklin were both horrified at the actions of Kristallnacht.
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Education Clip: FDR’s Third Term Begins
5m 54s
FDR was elected for a third term- the first time in U.S. history.
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Education Clip Pearl Harbor
6m 49s
On Dec. 7, 1941 Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and drew the United States into the war
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Education Clip New Deal Challenges
9m 23s
Al Smith and other political enemies claimed that the new deal was making things worse
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Education Clip First Fireside Chat
6m 30s
FDR started talking straight to the American people using a new medium- radio
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Education Clip: TR and Brownsville
4m 15s
TR ordered the dishonorable discharge of 167 soldiers of the 25th Infantry
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Education Clip: Civil Rights Support
7m 52s
African American citizens were the worst affected by the depression
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Education Clip ER and FDR Integrate the War Effort
6m 13s
FDR and ER helped to integrate the war effort
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Education Clip FDR Contracts Polio
7m 30s
In the the summer of 1921 Franklin Delano Roosevelt contracts polio
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Education Clip Warm Springs, GA
11m 20s
FDR buys Warm Springs and creates a rehab center for polio sufferers.
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Education Clip Roosevelt Runs for Governor of New York
5m 31s
In 1928 FDR decides to run for New York Governor
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Education Clip: FDR and the Press
1m 55s
FDR embraced the press and used them to communicate with voters
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Timeline Clip – Mrs. Harry Truman has lunch with ER
4m 5s
President and Mrs. Harry Truman have lunch with Eleanor Roosevelt at the White House
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Education Clip: Eleanor Roosevelt: Political Activist
2m 39s
Eleanor began to champion several causes that took her away from her family.
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Education Clip: Office of Civil Defense
2m 21s
Eleanor accepts a job working in the newly create Office of Civil Defense.
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Education Clip: Eleanor Roosevelt Overcoming Fear
3m 23s
After the death of FDR Eleanor continued her work on behalf of civil rights
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Theodore Roosevelt: The Early Years
3m 26s
Theodore Roosevelt attends Harvard and meets Alice Lee. They marry in 1880.
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The Lead Up To World War II
4m 56s
Eleanor and FDR look on in horror as the Nazi Party sweeps across Germany.
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Great Leaders
3m 7s
Theodore, Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt all overcame adversity to achieve greatness.
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt: The 1944 Campaign Speech
3m 31s
FDR opens his campaign with a humorous speech about Fala, his scottie dog.
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Eleanor Roosevelt: South Pacific Visit
4m 2s
Eleanor traveled to the South Pacific during World War II to visit the troops.
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Fourth Inaugural Address
3m 16s
January 1945 FDR speaks at his 4th Inaugural Address.
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Battle of the Bulge
2m 19s
FDR remained calm when hearing of the Battle of the Bulge in December 1944.
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Theodore Roosevelt: American Hero
2m 49s
After the Spanish-American War, Theodore Roosevelt becomes an American Hero.
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February 14, 1901
3m 20s
Theodore Roosevelt lost both his mother and his wife on Valentine's Day, 1901.
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Theodore Roosevelt: Warmonger
3m 43s
Theodore Roosevelt believed in the survival of the fittest and 'might makes right.'
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Theodore Roosevelt: Police Commissioner
4m 17s
Theodore Roosevelt becomes Police Commissioner of New York.
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President McKinley Assassinated
3m 5s
President McKinley is assassinated and Theodore Roosevelt becomes president.
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Sagamore Hill
4m 41s
Theodore Roosevelt marries Edith Carow and they settle down in Sagamore Hill, New York.
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Theodore Roosevelt: Political Beginnings
4m 30s
Theodore Roosevelt's political accomplishments at 26 were impressive.
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt: The Early Years
8m 7s
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was adored by his parents but had a very lonely childhood.
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Theodore Roosevelt: The Nobel Peace Prize
3m 49s
Theodore Roosevelt settles the Russo-Japanese War and wins the Nobel Peace Prize.
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Booker T. Washington at the White House
3m 18s
Theodore Roosevelt invites Booker T. Washington to dine at the White House.
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Eleanor Roosevelt vs. Sara Delano Roosevelt
4m 25s
Eleanor clashed at times with her mother-in-law, Sara Delano Roosevelt.
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Eleanor Roosevelt: The Red Cross
2m 58s
During World War I Eleanor Roosevelt volunteered with the Red Cross.
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Director Ken Burns discusses The Roosevelts
1m 30s
The film weaves the stories of Theodore, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt.
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Rough Riders WWI
3m 45s
Theodore Roosevelt asks to form a 'rough riders' regiment to fight in World War I.
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Theodore Roosevelt: Heroism on D-Day
1m 52s
General Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was the American commander who took Utah Beach on D-Day.
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Visit To Ebbets Field
3m 45s
FDR's New York 1944 Campaign took him to Ebbets Field in the rain.
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